New Year's Restorative Yoga & Mediumship

By spiritualitygirl (other events)

Friday, January 24 2020 6:30 PM 8:00 PM EDT

Dearest Friends let your New Year of 2020 be lead with spiritual guidance and psychic insights!!! Join Cathy and Mary in this New year Spiritual practice and start celebrating a new year of beautiful possibilities.

The circle will open with Smudge ceremony  and intentions.. We will then move into a healing medicine circle  of movement around the elements;  While honoring the directions and the healing power of the Native American medicine wheel.  Our yoga practice will include healing and blessings as we move with open heart and mindfullness.  Our Reiki Karmis will be there assisting and supporting us.  After a juicy warm savasana there will be healthy light refreshments  .  OUr second halk of this ceremony will be guided by Mary who will take us on a Spiritual journey to our spirit guides and psychic messages that come through with love and support.  Begin your new year with spiritual support and guidance and leave with a sense of clarity and calm.